Kawai plastic parts

Rob Goodale rrg at unlv.nevada.edu
Tue Apr 10 08:46:14 MDT 2007

Let's make this perfectly clear.  These are ABS carbon composite parts NOT 
"plastic".  Plastic is a generally inexpensive and expendable material used 
in commercial and consumer goods and is not expected to last long term, 
(with the exception of certain materials designed for direct harsh exposure 
such as buried pipe).  ABS carbon composite should also not be confused with 
the materials some manufacturers toyed with in the 1950 which for the most 
part degenerated by the 1980s or earlier, (i.e. damper flanges, spinet 
elbows, back checks, etc).  Modern ABS carbon composite parts are designed 
and expected to last for many decades and in fact should outlast wood. 
Certainly longer than we need to worry about in our lifetime.  Bottom line, 
if a customer is concerned or an aggressive competing dealer attempts to 
discredit, dismiss the accusation.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV 

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