Designs on a grand scale /JD

Ric Brekne ricbrek at
Sat Oct 7 09:27:13 MDT 2006


Very nifty indeed.  I noticed you included the ability to alter design 
concert pitch frequency. Thats one of the first elements I included in 
the sheet I am working up now. Good idea me thinks.  This gives me a few 
ideas for getting rid of columns :)

As for Log scale entry.  Clearly see the benefit spreadsheet wise.  But 
what if you have to make some kind of a bend in the curve somewhere to 
accommodate some physical situation in the piano ?  How is that handled ?


I attach a roughly composed alternative to your spreadsheet to show
what I mean. You will see how it works by editing the named cells
(for example, set n1_ to -5 and a49_ to 442) and looking at the


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