Business: getting and keeping customers

richard.ucci at richard.ucci at
Sat Oct 7 08:51:45 MDT 2006

I book 20-25 appts. a week by calling my people. Sunday night 7-9pm. Also book a few during the week when people call me. I leave a message on their machine usually, but after three unreturned calls I move them to six months down the road for another call.

-------------- Original message from KeyKat88 at -------------- 


        Is it advantageous to be agressive with customers, ie; sending reminder cards twice or calling if they dont call for a tuning within a month after you'e sent them one reminder? it a turn off. I tend to think it is a turn off.

        Before I was a tuner, when I needed my piano tuned, I simply called my tuner. IMHO, it is something you just neeeed as a piano player!  My tuners throughout the years never sent me a reminder card.  I do send them to my customers. I usually ask if they want a reminder.  Thoughts?

Reading, PA
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