Mass Loading Bridges

Ron Nossaman
Mon, 30 Jan 2006 22:59:58 -0600

> I'm finally getting around to working on the piano which had a boomy 
> crossover from the long bridge to the bass bridge.  I'm envisioning 
> getting some rolled brass stock and cutting off pieces for this.  I've 
> cut aluminum with a carbide blade, I think brass might be a little 
> harder.  How difficult is this to do?  I'd drill a screw hole in the 
> center and temporarily set under the bridge until I get the impedance I 
> want.
> How do you pro's do this?  Where do you source your material and what is 
> your favorite means of machining it?
> Andrew Anderson

I get mine at a local surplus yard, but McMaster-Carr would 
likely be my choice if I didn't have a local source. A metal 
cutting blade in the bandsaw makes a selection of lengths 
pretty quickly, and I face them off and drill them in the 
lathe. I'd just part them off on the lathe too, but the stuff 
I get locally (and cheaply - $2lb) is really hard and the 
bandsaw is easier. When they're finished, I weigh each and 
mark the weight on the side that goes to the soundboard with a 
permanent marker so I know where I'm at when I'm tuning 
impedance and go to the drawer for something a bit lighter or 

Ron N

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