action clicking sound

William R. Monroe
Mon, 30 Jan 2006 08:39:00 -0600

Maybe I missed it, but did anyone recommend checking for loose knuckles?
That is a less common but very noticeable click that often is not heard on
pp blows.  Seat the knuckle, drop of CA and you're good

William R. Monroe

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Farrell" <>
To: "Pianotech List" <>
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 5:52 AM
Subject: Re: action clicking sound

Is a Schafer & Son made by Samick? I've had a couple Samicks that had the
wooden center rail pin hole insert on the bottom of the key come unglued.
Clicked pretty good. 'Twas a toughie to nail down. Finally tried glue!   ;-)

Terry Farrell

  -----Original Message-----

  I am working on a Schafer & Sons G-3 Grand piano that has two keys that
have a 'clicking' sound.

  The clicking sound is not there when you play pp but is there with mf and

  What I did so far:

  Took the whippens out and visually inspected.  Did not see anything
obvious and no missing felts.

  Regulate the action on those keys ( which were way off prior to
inspection ).

  The jack is a little off to one side of the repetition lever window, but
not more than many other keys that dont have a click.

  Lifted the damper up and held it while I played the key..... it still

  One comment:

  The click sounds like a wooden click ( I'm not saying it is, just sounds
like it ), but if I deaden the tricord strings with my finger, the loud
click does not sound.  The hammers do sound a little hard and make a good '
thud ' when they hit the deadened strings.

  Does anyone have any ideas on what could be making the click, and what I
could look for ???

  Many thanks to you all in advance.

  I really appreciate the opportunity to ask these type questions and get
feedback from those with far more experience than myself.

  Dave McKibben

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