frequent tuning - floating pitch? was tuning

Sat, 28 Jan 2006 15:06:22

Hi Tim,

The client must have full disclosure of what is happening. That's what is
ethical rather than A440. I agree that it is a standard to work towards.

The only reasonable way to keep a piano at A440 for any reasonable length
of time is to have exquisite control of humidity. 

I don't agree that frequent tunings cause unusual damage to the pin block.
There are studio pianos that are tuned daily and last for a long time. At
least where I live there is far more damage to the block due to variations
in humidity.

The old literature from Steinway recommended monthly tunings.

At 01:09 PM 1/28/2006 -0600, you wrote:
>It seems to me that the public has a natural 
>expectation (and rightly so) that a piano will be tuned at 
>A440 after a professional tuning, and I question whether 
>doing otherwise without explanation is even ethical.
>On that point, it seems to me that this practice might be 
>violating a regular customer's trust, as someone mentioned 
>that "most people won't notice," or something to that 
>effect.  It seems to me as a musician and teacher that there 
>are essential reasons for students to hear a 440 tuning 
>which go beyond the practical considerations of playing with 
>other instruments.  As this is the current standard, it does 
>have a bearing on pitch memory, some of which is 
>psychological and intuitive in one's listening and playing.  
>Regarding the discussion about tuning frequency, it seems to 
>me that there could be one argument for tuning less 
>frequently, namely that the tuning pins will, over time, 
>gradually lose their tightness in the pinblock.  Perhaps in 
>cases of regular tunings, this is a consideration, although 
>it still seems to me that any mitigating circumstances or 
>considerations should be discussed with the client before 
>leaving a piano at something other than A440. 

Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.P.T.
Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat

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