Prospecting -- Key Source

Alan Barnard
Fri, 27 Jan 2006 21:54:26 -0600

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Sure, why not?

Also, I built business in the early days by asking EVERYONE I met (gas stations, libraries, everywhere ...) "Do you have a piano in your home?'  If they say no, you say, "Do you know someone who does?' No? "How about your church?"

The point is, "Here's my card."

Alan Barnard
Salem, Missouri

----- Original Message ----- 
From: pianotune05 
To:;Pianotech List
Sent: 01/27/2006 8:46:02 PM 
Subject: Re: Prospecting -- Key Source

What can a sight impaired guy who doesn' t drive do to replace the lettering idea?  we have a car, but my wife uses it.  We use it together when we clean offices in the evening.  Would a sign work if I'm not the one using the car most of the time? 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Mike McCoy 
To: ; Pianotech List 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: Prospecting -- Key Source


 I get far more useful business from the vehicle lettering. Professional vinyl lettering as well, not the magnetic signs. The phone book works to a degree,  but it is almost always a price checker. If I take the time to explain what RPT means ( I don't think I would have to explain it if it were Certified Piano Tech) and give them an idea what the price range is in this area, I typically get the business. I do not pursue other Technicians customers at all, they are my friends and I would be very uncomfortable with that approach. Also, for some unknown reason, a number of piano teachers in the area are recommending me, but I have had no contact with any of them.


Mike McCoy
Registered Piano Technician
Langhorne, Pa.
Chapters 170 & 190 PTG

Alan Barnard wrote: 
Been following the thread and was reminded today of a very important source of business: The vinyl lettering on my truck!

I parked across the street from a small town restaurant (lunch!) and found a note on my windshield from a new customer. Then, while depositing some checks at the bank, a lady in the drive-up lane next to mine was miming and mouthing "Do you tune pianos?" and "Do you have a card?" after which she snuck out of her car and came over to get my card.

I paid about $250 for lettering and pictures (both sides and back). This one-time expense has repaid itself many, many times.

Alan Barnard
Salem, Missouri

Mike McCoy
Registered Piano Technician
52 Crestview Ave
Langhorne, Pa.19047
Chapters 170 & 190 PTG
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