Stolen Pianos recovered

Ric Brekne
Fri, 27 Jan 2006 17:03:31 +0100

Hi out there Robert

Shheeeeessshhh... How dumb can you get ?  Thats about as bad as walking 
into a police station and asking the desk sergent if he knows where one 
can unload a pound of hash... or something of the like.  You HAVE to be 
kidding !!?!

Anyways... happy ending for the pianos and owner.  Nice story in the end :)

As you may recall the pianos, a Burgmann grand with a Pianodisc player
and a Howard grand, were stolen from a parked trailer at a Las Vegas
dealer. ............

.........The ding-bat began calling the local dealers,
(smart), and of course one of the sales people at the dealer from where
it was stolen got a call.............

Once again proof that crime doesn't pay but pianos do play...   or
better to have a lyre than a liar... or better to hammer strings then
gravel...  ?........
Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

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