Yamaha GB-1 What?

Ron Nossaman rnossaman@cox.net
Thu, 26 Jan 2006 22:20:26 -0600

> For one thing they changed the plain steel at the end of the tenor for 
> 3(?) notes of bi-chord. You know, the kind thing any of us would have 
> done if they'd asked us to fix the GA-1.  

Fix it, or just get it below the seventh level threshold of hideous?

>I've only seen one on a 
> dealer's floor briefly (back in NOV) and haven't tuned it (nor was the 
> tuning on that piano fresh enough to allow me to judge the inharmonicity 
> at that end of the bridge). But my first thought was the Yamaha was 
> testing their market again, seeing if those people who go for a 4-1/2' 
> polyester cutie could tell the difference between a good string scale 
> and a bad one.

I don't think good and bad applies here, but I do agree that they 
seem to be calibrating for pain tolerance. Grading on the curve 
presents not only a moving target, but a negotiable one if they're 
paying attention - and we know they're paying attention. The 
question is, to what?

> You'd be doing us a public service, Alan, if you measured and posted the 
> string scale in that bottom tenor octave.
> Bill Ballard RPT

I'll second that, and the high bass, or the entire scale if you have 
an hour or so to kill.
Ron N

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