Louis Renner hammer heads on grey market.

Quentin Codevelle quentin.codevelle@tiscali.fr
Thu, 26 Jan 2006 17:45:22 +0100

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Hello list,

I have a question:

A few years ago, I was working for a dealer who distributes lots of grey =
market Yamaha, Kawai but also other almost unknown brands (for the =
majority of people) like Apollo, Toyo, Atlas, etc...

I remarked that on many grey market pianos (except Yamahas & Kawais), =
there was the label "Louis Renner" on the heads, although these heads =
seemed totally different from the heads we find on european pianos, =
which are labeled "Louis Renner- Stuttgart".

Does someone know if there is a hammerhead factory in asia that produces =
heads named "Louis Renner" but aren't the real Renner hammer heads =
produced in Germany, in Stuttgart?

Otherwise, is there a lower Renner quality for these asian pianos (very =
very bright sound, strange impregnation color, ...).

What puzzles me is the fact that the word "Stuttgart" misses on these =
heads, which makes me think it is a mere copy, but no original ones.

Thanks !


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