wurlitzer(chinese) grand

Paul McCloud pmc033@earthlink.net
Thu, 26 Jan 2006 07:27:18 -0800

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Hi, Richard:
    It's likely that the bends in the damper wire are placed so that the wire leans against the bushing on one side.  Probably a little too much friction is introduced.  Fix is to relieve the pressure by decreasing the bend in the lower part of the wire.  You can use your finger to see which side of the bushing the wire is rubbing on, if you push towards one side or the other as you lift the damper.   Just relieve the bend a little.  I was told this by Phil Glenn of Y.C.  Hope it's clear (as mud?).  Good luck.

    Paul McCloud
    San Diego

----- Original Message ----- 
To: pianotech@ptg.org
Sent: 01/26/2006 6:08:03 AM 
Subject: wurlitzer(chinese) grand

Help me out here. New Wurly 5' grand. Several dampers in tenor section are getting hung up. When offending key is played without using sustain pedal -no problem.
Depress pedal by itself and damper does not return to rest on strings. Sostenuto pedal is working correctly , can't determime if the tab is brushing against it or not,  have pulled damper out and lubed rail bushing, flanges do not seem to be slow. I can't recall if they are weighted .

Going back next week and could use some of your collective brilliance.
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