
pianotune05 pianotune05@comcast.net
Wed, 25 Jan 2006 14:35:49 -0500

Hi Conrad and Ed,
I've heard of tuning pianos more often than the standard six months or once 
a year, but once a week is new to me.

I'm curious, what is YMMV?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Conrad Hoffsommer" <hoffsoco@luther.edu>
To: "Pianotech List" <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: tuning

> At 01:58 PM 1/25/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>>Hi everyone,
>>How often is too often to tune a piano?  I typically see twice a year, or 
>>even every three months.  Is anything less than that necessary such as 
>>once a month or even once a week which I 've heard of?
> It depends...
> Use, location, condition, user requirements and/or expectations, 
> environmental factors, etc. all have a bearing.
> I tune the concert instruments here once a week, if not more, and 
> sometimes _that_ isn't even enough.
> YMMV, and it will!!
> Conrad Hoffsommer - Keyboard Technician
> Luther College, 700 College Dr., Decorah, Iowa 52101-1045
> 1-(563)-387-1204 // Fax 1-(563)-387-1076
> - Right now, I'm hoping to live until my age matches my golf score,
> - Until then, I'll have to be content to have my IQ match my handicap.
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