Key return speed

Wed, 25 Jan 2006 09:25:00 -0800 (PST)

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 Hello Stéphane,
>I was asking myself what parameters in the action
>make that the keys return very quickly to their
>rest position.

I think the most important factor is the rotational
moment of inertia of the key stick.  This is
largely determined by the amount of lead and the position
of the lead in the key.  For fast return, you want less
lead, and the lead should be as close as possible to
the fulcrum point (balance pin).

In order to achieve that, and still maintain the proper
static balance weight, the action needs to have a low
ratio geometry.

The other factor influencing return speed is the strength
of the wippen spring.  This adjustment, like all others,
is a compromise too.  A stiff spring setting will help
return the key faster.


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