Tuning Hammer

Andrew and Rebeca Anderson anrebe@sbcglobal.net
Tue, 24 Jan 2006 12:15:38 -0600

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You could consider the Fujan hammer in the mix too.  Ball ends are 
really ergonomic.  Makes using the hammer in various positions much 
easier on the hand and wrist.

Andrew Anderson

At 10:41 AM 1/24/2006, you wrote:
>I have been tuning  as hobby for the past year.  I have been using a 
>student tuning hammer and am looking at getting a better hammer.  I 
>am currently looking at the No. 21C - Compact Extendable from Schaff 
>and Jahn Lightweight Tuning Hammer from Pianotek.  I would 
>appreciate any input that may help me in making my decision.
>David McCausland

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