Center pin friction, yet again.

Joel A. Jones
Tue, 24 Jan 2006 09:47:49 -0600


An important factor is missing from this discussion.   After the
right friction is reached and you have the traditional swings do the 
following 'break in'.
Grab the flange and VIGOROUSLY shake/swing the hammer up & down at 
least 20 times.

Check after you have completed this severe  process and you will notice 
there are several more swings to the bushing.

Classes are not offered today like they were 10 years or so ago. Not as 
teflon problem actions in service.


Joel Jones, RPT
Madison, WI
On Jan 24, 2006, at 8:36 AM, David Skolnik wrote:

> The recent questions about teflon, along with recent observations in 
> the field and conversation with David Kirkland at Steinway, (not to 
> mention perusing past posts), have left me unclear as to the 
> frictional tolerances (primarily) at the hammer flange centers.  I 
> acknowledge that there is likely extensive information in the 
> archives, to which I would be happy to be directed, and that I have 
> not recently attended any classes where these issues might have been 
> discussed.  That said, is there any consensus regarding the ultimate 
> effects of the difference between "0 grams, without any sideplay", and 
> whatever measurement might provide the "traditional" 5-7 swings (of 
> the hammer)?
> It's hard for me to accept the idea that such a dramatic difference is 
> of so little consequence.
> David Skolnik
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