Sorry about the large picture

W Lutzow
Mon, 23 Jan 2006 17:40:55 -0800

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I just accidentally sent a HUGH picture of a hammer flange lock washer =
(and my finger)...I just can't seem to get it right.

Hope you like it if you can figure it out.

This one was shrunk down to a reasonable I one of =
my Adobe graphics programs.  It said the picture was too large and asked =
if I wanted it resized for email...'course I said yes...well, you can =
see what it did. It also was suppose to put the email in my outbox...but =
alas, it sent the email (not my fault).

I think the picture was about 150kb.

Any suggestions on how to do this correctly?

See hammer flange lock washer text in different email.

Wayne Lutzow
Lincoln, CA
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