Soundboard rib question
Mon, 23 Jan 2006 09:49:56 -0500 (GMT-05:00)

This is why I suggested this soundboard is in the tradition of Viennese builders, particularly Stein and Streicher and their followers in the earlier 19th century.  

It isn't a random experiment.  Major builders did it this way for many decades.  I don't know what approach J. B Streicher(1796-1871) used in the 1850's, but his grandfather and mother built soundboards on this pattern, with a long bar under or close to the bridge.  

If it adds impedence to the bridge, it presumably reduces impact noise and increases sustain, doesn't it? 

Ed Sutton

-----Original Message-----
>From: David Love <>
>Sent: Jan 23, 2006 9:13 AM
>To: 'Pianotech List' <>
>Subject: RE: Soundboard rib question
>>From the picture, it clearly is not under the bridge because you can see the
>soundboard buttons about midway between that structure and the other side of
>the piano.  My guess is that it is an attempt at a cut-off bar.  There are
>some examples of cut-offs that don't attach to the bracing.  I can recall
>that Ron Overs referred to them in a post awhile back by some specific name
>but I don't recall what it was.  The discussion he posted, however,
>suggested that they don't really work.  
>David Love
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [] On Behalf
>Of Ric Brekne
>Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 12:07 AM
>To: pianotech
>Subject: Soundboard rib question
>Hi Bob and David.
>...Dale Erwin mentioned in a private post that it was probably some kind of
>bridge stiffening device.  I didnt stop to look close enough today if it was
>directly under the bridge or not.. but I will tommorrow. It was about 
>that long tho.  It is  55 mm wide and 15mm tall.
>Pianotech list info:
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