Soundboard rib question

Ric Brekne
Mon, 23 Jan 2006 09:06:59 +0100

Hi Bob and David.

The piano measures out to 195 from the tail to the front of the 
strectcher in front of the pinblock. I'll be measuring the entire scale 
in the next couple days.  Its had quite the selection of plain strings 
put on through the years tho. Doesnt look like the techs who've worked 
on it new what a micrometer was. :)  Still I think I've managed to find 
out where dimensions change. As to the rib material, I'll take a closer 
look today.


There are 6 ribs. Approximately 17 mm apart. The one closest to the tail 
and the forward most on are fanned, but the middle four are nearly 
parallel.  The ribs are wide and short and slope upwards along the 
center line lengthwise.  28mm wide, 9mm tall along their sides, 14 mm 
tall in the center.  All ribs are same dimensions. The long extra "rib" 
that runs roughly parallel to the bridge and crosses over and contacts 
the cross grain ribs  Yes it is glued to the soundboard. Dale Erwin 
mentioned in a private post that it was probably some kind of bridge 
stiffening device.  I didnt stop to look close enough today if it was 
directly under the bridge or not.. but I will tommorrow. It was about 
that long tho.  It is  55 mm wide and 15mm tall.


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