Broken Steinway Braces

Joseph Garrett
Sun, 22 Jan 2006 20:03:37 -0800

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Ed said: "Greetings, My method is to pick up th phone and call the factory to order a new 
pair of braces. How much one's time is worth has to be considered here. 

That would be just peachy keen, except Steinway changed the dimensions of their lyres and braces several years ago! Won't fit. His method would work, but it's apparent he needs to get into woodworking. I'm appalled at the lack of woodworking experience, most technicians have.<G> After all, most of us that are really into woodworking, know that it is earthly manna for the the spirit and soul.<G>

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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