An open letter to Marshall
Sun, 22 Jan 2006 21:15:55 EST

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Time out ! Time out ! You are about to squander a PRICELESS opportunity ! 
Just don your flamesuit over your thickest skin, and stay with us a litle longer. 
Technical and business advice of enormous value has been offered to you here, 
and what you see as a beating is actually the best of that advice. John 
Stroup's beautifully written post was in response to the beating YOU gave your area 
and its tuners. He obviously took quite a bit of time thinking about that 
sincere, respectful letter, and you didn't read even the first line accurately. 
You say:

"Johns letter was a private letter, or suposed to be anyway. " 

No, what he actually said was, "I WOULD make this a private e-mail to 
Marshall, but he has been very public in his comments:" 
Nothing was ever offered in terms of mentoring apprenticship etc by him to my 
Exactly what he said. And what have you offered? Rough tuning for free ahead 
of a college or dealer floor tuner in exchange for a little criticism? Helping 
to break down a piano for rebuilding? Trading cleaning services for advice? 
No, just complaints that you can't break into the business overnight.

This is the most satisfying profession I can imagine. If you are serious and 
pay your [figurative] dues, you will find the most helpful and generous 
colleagues you can imagine. After 35 years in the trade, I can not begin to 
acknowledge my debt to them. This is the time for REALLY thick skin. Don't take 
offense; try to recognize the value in these recent posts that may seem harsh at 
first reading. My advice:

Re-read John Stroup's, Debbie Legg's, and David Andersen's posts ten times 
each. Word by word. Humbly. Earnestly. Maybe even read this one more than once. 
Then get back to us. As John said, "Still available for consultation and 
question answering,"

Bob Davis, RPT

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