Soundboard rib question /Jurgen

Ric Brekne
Sun, 22 Jan 2006 23:13:34 +0100


I have 8 years behind me at the UiB as their resident technician. They 
are fully informed of every step and decision and they trust my 
judgement. They dont just sit by and let me do what I please mind you.  
We have several historical minded folks here... a  pianist who has 
specialized i forte pianos and a very active baroque music section. We 
have 4 historical instruments on hand. Two of which I have restored for 
the UiB. No where in any post did I write that the piano was mine to do 
with as I please. In fact on a couple occasions I stated my options are 
rather limited.

Hope this clarifies things.

Perhaps I missed a sentence or two in your initial mail about this  
Bluthner -- is this piano in UiB's music department, a private  
customer's, your own to do with as you please?
Just curious,
Patrick Draine

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