An open letter to Marshall
Sun, 22 Jan 2006 14:32:40 -0500 (EST)

> and the point of this post is?
> Marshall

The point is this:  many, many people, on this list and in your town
appparently, WANT to mentor you, WANT you to succeed, but you, my obtuse
friend, are enslaved by your doubt, worry, suspicion.
None of this is about your talents, your situation, your ability.  It's
ALL, and I mean all about your attitude.  You need to take a big step
back, and LISTEN. We know much better than you what you need to do to
start in this business.  PLEASE BE QUIET AND LISTEN TO US. I can say you
will not be successful if you do not develop patience.  At your level of
involvement, you are NOT READY to advertise or do any serious public
business building.  You're being driven, in part, by your admittedly
desperate money issues, but mostly by your out-of-control mental process. 
Chill out.  Understand people here are not attacking you.  You dismissed
and disrespected a heartfelt letter from your colleague-to-be John Stroup;
you routinely disregard great advice from people here who have decades of
experience; you're acting like a fool. Please stop, apologize profusely,
and ask for help sincerely, or quit wasting our time.

David Andersen
Malibu, California

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