broken Steinway lyre braces

Ron Nossaman
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 22:20:38 -0600

> I really like the rigidity of the wooden ones, if carefully fitted, and 
> I like the force on the ends of the braces instead of sideways on screw 
> shanks. I think the original design stays stiffer longer. I've seen too 
> many lyres with metal braces that were loose.
> Bob Davis

Me too. The original system is simple, elegant, solid, dependable, 
and a really good reason to grow a couple of extra arms, the better 
to put a lyre on by yourself, under the piano in the dark, steering 
the lyre and both props into place all at once against gravity and 
back cramps. Really, if you survive the installation process, it's a 
nicely functional system.

Ron N

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