Soundboard rib question

Ric Brekne
Sun, 22 Jan 2006 00:32:51 +0100

Hi Calin..

I dont really want to get into lots of redesigning... as I thought most 
of my notes on the matter illustrated.  I am open to a change in the rib 
scale and the dimensions of the strings at this point... and not a whole 
lot else.  And only these if they can contribute to the over all quality 
of the sound with out disturbing its basic picture. All due concern to 
its historical value is being taken I can assure you.


Hi Ric,

Why do you want to alter the design of that piano? It's a historical
instrument. I think you should keep it as close to original as possible. If
you want to do soundboard experiments, take a piano that is available in
large quantities.

Calin Tantareanu

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