Sound/Vapor barrier for ceilings

Jeannie Grassi
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 13:56:23 -0800

Have you looked into what is called "soundboard?"  That's what it's called
around here.  It is a thick (maybe 3/4 to 1 in.) fibrous flat board that can
go under the sheetrock in walls.  I don't see why it couldn't be fit between
floor joists.  It is typically used to provide a better sound barrier
between rooms.  

Jeannie Grassi, RPT
Assistant Editor, Piano Technicians Journal

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of David Love
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 1:25 PM
To: 'Pianotech List'
Subject: Sound/Vapor barrier for ceilings

I need to install a sound/vapor (more sound) barrier in the ceiling of my
shop (the ground floor of my house).  The ceiling is exposed joists and I
would like to get something that I can stick to the ceiling between the
joists without having to necessarily sheet rock over the whole thing--at
least not yet.  I'd like some kind of material that looks ok and won't
disintegrate over time.  A fire proof or resistant material would also be
advisable.  Anybody have any experience with products that they liked?  

David Love 

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