Lightening touch by changing damper timing redux

Ric Brekne
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 15:54:28 +0100

I keep missing the inclusion of the damper pedal in all this.  Forgeting 
to keep the pedal in line just wont do at all... :)...

Strikes me that damper timing is very closely related to a desirable 
degree of damper travel... which is again tied to pedal travel... They 
both have to match so that the foot likes the control moment it has over 
the damper system whilst at the same time the fingers like the control 
over the dampers they have, all the while both ending up such that the 
stop rail represents the same end point for damper lever travel in both 
cases.  Its not really about anything else... certainly not about 


by the way David... did you know that Ilvedson translates from the 
Norwegian roughly to "the Son of Sick Wood" ???  grin...


David Ilvedson writes..

One more thing...this is easily changed back on pianos with spoons...not 
so easily on Steinways, Yamahas, many pianos use spoons for 
damper/key lift?
How did you adjust the spoons for eveniness of lift with keys? 

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, California

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