[Fwd: Re: P22 scale]

Ron Nossaman rnossaman@cox.net
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 07:42:15 -0600

> Here's an attachment with the scale of a Yamaha U1H (121 cm upright). I 
> think this piano is a little shorter than the ones you've been tuning, 
> but the cross over problems are similarly dramatic (Please refer to the 
> column graphs to the right of the figures). The hammer strike ratio 
> figures are derived from measurements taken directly from the piano also.
>> Looking for data to compare to observed reaction, for educational 
>> purposes.
> These pianos were one of the first instruments which brought the problem 
> of percentage of breaking strain deviation home to me, during the 70's 
> when I was working out scaling with a pocket calculator. Its just a mess 
> and the 131 pianos are no better.
> Best,
> Ron O.

Thanks Ron,
I don't have this one either, and will add it to my scale library.
The low tenor was one thing ( which I presumed to be break%), and
just above the first tenor break is the other (which I also presume
to be break%, from an inadequate dogleg in the bridge). I'd still
like a look at the P22 if anyone has the data they're willing to share.
Ron N

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