VT pitch raising tip--was

Ron Nossaman rnossaman@cox.net
Fri, 20 Jan 2006 22:16:49 -0600

> Yeah, it is just a second or two. But those seconds add up to wasted 
> time. I hate waiting, and this does eliminate some of it. Also, waiting 
> during a pitch raise throws off my rhythm and gets me out of “fast” mode.
> Being a little nerdy anyway, I calculated the time it would 
> /potentially/ save to not have to wait those two seconds per note. 88 x 
> 2 sec = 176 sec, which is 2.93 minutes. Might as well tune if you’re 
> sitting there anyway. Admittedly, it is a little nerdy, but 3 minutes a 
> tuning x 20 tunings a week is an hour a week, or 50 hours a year. Even 
> if the actual savings is 20 hours a year, it’s still worth it.
> John Formsma

If you won't just just set pitch with the fork and get the heck on 
with it, I suggest spending the wait time scratching what itches. If 
that isn't putting down time to good use, what is?

Ron N

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