HAMMER HANGING JIG, from spurlock

Ric Brekne ricbrek@broadpark.no
Thu, 19 Jan 2006 23:12:22 +0100

Grin... Manjuanna... or however you spell that :)

Simple enough tho.... leftover peice of tuning block mounted on an 
adjustable height stand.  Tails sit on the tuning block. A dark black 
tush pen has marked along the midpoint along one of the plies sost I 
have this very straight line for the tails and I have a string run 
across all the hammers at the middle of the shoulder.  If a hammer is 
angled out with the tail on the line then the string deflects... if its 
angled in then you see a space between the string and hammer... Along 
with a good eyeball beed line.... well it works great and lasts a long time.



Come on...you know you want to send us a photo...;-]    

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, California

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