USB humidity/temperature monitor

Ric Brekne
Thu, 19 Jan 2006 20:45:29 +0100

Hey there Cy....

This was really cool.  Might be just what the doctor ordered for my work 
at the UiB.

Thanks for sharing the link !


--Cy Shuster--
Boston, MA

In the course of actually doing some work today(!) I received this
information on what seems to be a really neat relative humidity monitor.

You can set it to record at intervals as short as every 10 seconds or as
long as every 12 hours. It will store up to 16,000 temperature AND humidity
readings. Then you just plug it into the USB port of your computer to
produce a detailed plot of the events. $79.00. There's even a neat bracket
you can screw to your piano!

(I have NO financial or other relation to this company.)


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