Deceptive Cold Calls

A440 Piano Service
Wed, 18 Jan 2006 23:53:36 -0700

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You wouldn't be working in a forthright manner with your assumptive =
opening cold call line about calling to schedule a piano tuning. =20

Here's what you wrote:  =20

I figure I could get some tunings that way by perhaps catching a few off =
guard.  They'll schedule me and I'm in.  I'd hate to step on toes but I =
guess that's why they make steel tipped shoes.  Look out, Marshall's =

Then you write:=20

 Calling to simply ask to schedule a tuning isn't deceiving a potential =
customer. =20

"Ask" is the key word.  Your original cold call line was something like, =
"I'm calling to schedule your piano tuning."  That's an ASSUMPTIVE =
close.  And your words above ("catching a few off guard") reveal that =
you KNOW you're being deceptive about it.  I'm with Phil and Barbara.  =
Don't use this tack.

Try honesty.  And try an attitude adjustment regarding your community.  =
You're being very negative about it, and it's probably making it hard =
for you to see your opportunities there.  Potential customers will sense =
it, as well.  =20

I'm being "instructive" here, and I hesitate to take that posture, but I =
feel it's better for our trade if we try to police ourselves.  I really =
wish you the best, Marshall.  Do it the BEST WAY.

John Dorr
Helena, Montana
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