Package From Toronto

william ballard
Wed, 18 Jan 2006 13:23:58 -0500

I'm waiting on a set of bass string from CGStrings (my first set),  
and the best word is that they were shipped on or before 1/10. Does  
anyone have suggestions as to what I should expect  for transit time.  
Bearing in mind that:

1.) Once they cross the border, they'll spend some time in a US  
Custom facility (probably not necessarily the closest, largest border  
town, say Buffalo NY, but say, one located in the general region of  
the final destination, maybe NYC)

2.) Those of you ordering from GCS are scattered across the map. To  
equalize things, I'd suggest as a benchmark, transit time from  
PianoTek (near Detroit?). UPS Ground for me is 3d day following the  
afternoon they ship.

This is the recording studio piano. The new treble wire was on and  
stretching last THU. The first recording session is on MON 1/30. In  
two days, I'll have a back-up set of strings from Stwy. I figure the  
last possible day to put which ever set of bass strings on would be,  
the previous WED (maybe, with extra attention, THU).

So, has anyone studied the labels on a box from GCS to get a sense of  
what transit time may be, and could anyone give me a rough idea of  
when these will arrive?

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"So come on down, for the best in fidelity"
     ...........AM radio spot for the local Radio Shack store.
(Thank you, I'll take a space between the last two words.)

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