Pianos at the Awahnee in Yosemite?

David Ilvedson ilvey@sbcglobal.net
Sun, 15 Jan 2006 21:28:21 -0800

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I don't know who tunes them but someone has for many years...Dale proba=
bly knows...?  I've thought the same thing...

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, California

Original message
From: Piannaman@aol.com
To: pianotech@ptg.org
Received: 1/15/2006 3:15:50 PM
Subject: Pianos at the Awahnee in Yosemite?

HI folks,
This one's primarily for the northern California contingent.
I spent last weekend up in Yosemite.  While I was there, I heard that t=
here were a couple of large Steinways at the Awahnee Hotel in the valle=
y.  I was wondering if anybody on this list tunes, or knows who tunes t=
hem?  I was hoping to maybe get a barter deal for a night....
Yosemite is beautiful in the winter.  Of the millions of tourists who v=
isit there each year, very few of them visit in the cold season.  Quite=
 a peaceful experience.
Dave Stahl

Dave Stahl Piano Service

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