
Joseph Garrett
Sat, 14 Jan 2006 18:08:18 -0800

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John Ross said: "
National, is bigger, 800 +. I was at one in Toronto, late 80's, and I believe around 1100.
MARC is a regional, as is NEECSO, they are smaller, 150 +.
I really enjoyed the MARC, I attended last year, it could give the 'National' a run for it's money. I also enjoyed the NEECSO's I usually attend, as I tend to see more familiar faces.
This year, there is no MARC or NEECSO, because of the 'National', being in that area.
Go, you will never regret it."
One National in 26 years???!!! About time you attended another on IMO!!<G> Sheesh! It behooves us all to attend, at least, one every 5-10 years. There is soooooo much stuff that will make your job better/easier/more profitalble, I can't begin to tell ya! All conventions, be they regional or national are a great way to meet new friends and smoosch!<G> Yes, it is expensive! No, you will not regret it!!!
Just my inflated USD opinion. 

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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