AAA Yellow Pages trade listing
Sat, 14 Jan 2006 18:20:44 -0500 (EST)

This is powerful.  Thanks, DP. New and semi-new tuners and techs: take
this as gospel.  It's all, and I mean ALL, about relationships.  If you
like people, they like you.  If you develop your innate, natural skills of
listening to another person and asking good questions, You'll turbocharge
your success.

My keys to success in any realm:

1. Love your work.
2. Be very good at what you do.
3. Be responsible---show up on time, do what you say, apologize when
you're wrong.
4. Be collegial---like people, like to be on a team.
5. Be a teacher---educate everyone from your love of the subject.
6. Practice the Golden Rule.
7. Be a great listener. best to everyone.

David Andersen
Malibu, CA

> As an old timer in this business, when giving advice to a young person
> starting out, I can't over emphasize the importance of personality
> development.  I have known some people with very average skills who have
> built up a good business.  I've also known some really excellent
> tuner/technicians who have struggled all their lives to build a business.
> Social skills are a must.  I'm not talking about the memorized lines to
> get you a call or get you in the door, I'm talking about real social
> skills and the ability to develop inter personal relationships.  Of course
> you need to do acceptable work too, but you don't have to be a concert
> level technician to build a business.  Do good work and know how to relate
> to people.
> dp

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