Last Minute Cancellations?

Matthew Todd
Fri, 13 Jan 2006 09:55:10 -0800 (PST)

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As a piano instructor, I do not assume any financial responsibility for a students' absence.  My rates are not lowered nor refunded for missed lessons.  I tell the parents that "make-ups" are simply not possible.  I also tell them that my rates are flat fees, whether you choose to attend or miss.
  Making sure I am home on the scheduled day and time for my piano technician is an issue of responsibility and choice on my part.  I do not think the technician should assume any financial responsibility for a clients absence, especially if a 24 hour cancellation has not been given by the client.  If the technician cannot come due to illness, weather, etc., that's different.
  Now you can't do anything about this unless your client(s) sign a statement agreeing to the above.  You can try and collect something from them due to an "unexcused" absence, but if they don't want to pay it, you can't get it from them.

Susan Kline <> wrote:
  At 08:50 AM 1/13/2006 -0800, Joe wrote:
>I had one this morning, (7am!). Senior citizen's son controls the money 
>and doesn't think it's worthy. grrrr! My gut tells me to simply forget it 
>and do some shop work in the extra time. What say y'all?

Forget it and get some shop work done. The customer is responsible for the 
offspring's attitude only in the most distant manner (i.e. an upbringing 
encouraging stinginess.)

I view this kind of cancellation as a windfall -- several guilt-free 
uncluttered hours just dumped in my lap! Enjoy, enjoy.


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