(careful, it is about temperaments)

A440A@aol.com A440A@aol.com
Fri, 13 Jan 2006 06:09:35 EST

Ric writes:

<< All in all... I would think that if pianists delved far more into the 

world of the piano as apparently many other instrumentalists do, we 

might have an entirely different picture out there... in many more ways 

then just temperament issues. >>

        Oh, I agree.  The more the pianist understands the instrument, the 
easier time I have of getting top-dollar work. It is the ones that are totally 
aloof from the instrument itself that don't understand why they need to pay 
$1,000 for work done on their STeinway after just 10 years of use...
Thanks for the note,

Ed Foote RPT 

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