A humble aside to the Temperment discussions . . .

James H Frazee jimfrazee@msn.com
Thu, 12 Jan 2006 11:33:37 -0500

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First, let me say I've enjoyed every thoughtful contribution to this =
discussion and its whole should be presented as the paradigm of what's =
good about the PTG and its members.  I want to direct those interested =
to a book by Alfred Brendel, his collected essays, entitled Alfred =
Brendel On Music, specifically the chapter titled "Coping with Pianos", =
ppgs 335f.  In this writing, I quote, "If only one could make some piano =
players understand that they would be of greater service to music as =
piano technicians!  The training of the tuner should, in any case, put =
more emphasis on the artistic education of the ear.  And tuners =
should-in my Utopian view-be better pianists.  On the other hand, all =
pianists should be expert voicers-if only in self-defence.  A course on =
the regulating and voicing of pianos should be obligatory for all piano =
students at music schools.", end quote.

The chapter goes on about the differences and similarities of pianists =
and technicians and I'd recommend it to your attention.  As a pianist =
who has studied at both I.U. and at Juilliard in the night division, I =
know that very few pianists have any knowledge of the technician's art =
and capabilities.  Other than the cr=E8me de la cr=E8me, most don't even =
know how to describe what they want to us.  Having attended master =
classes with both Brendel and Leon Fleischer, I wouldn't doubt that they =
would enjoy our deliberations here and might even contribute to them.  I =
have scanned other books in my library about and by great pianisits for =
references to temperments but to no avail.  I'd be curious if any of you =
have seen temperments discussed by them.

I'm a lurker, as they say, but must say Thank You!  to writers like =
David Love, Mr. Stein, Ron, virtually every single person who has made =
this discussion to fruitful. =20

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