(careful, it is about temperaments)

A440A@aol.com A440A@aol.com
Tue, 10 Jan 2006 13:21:29 EST

Hi Bob, 
<<  You don't mention minor keys, but I assume when you say C 
Major, you mean no sharps or flats, which would include A minor. Do you have 
any figures on the proportion of pieces that are in the relative minors of 
key signatures you listed? Just curious if the proportion remains uniform as 
you go around the circle. >>

     I haven't the figures for the minor keys, but it appears they also are 
treated approximately with the same degree of usage.   I have simply not had 
the time to do the minor research, yet.  Hopefully, others with some interest 
can collate this info. Thanks for the note. 

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