An apology
Mon, 9 Jan 2006 13:47:02 -0500 (EST)

Hello, Ric!

Thank you for your kind words; the appreciation is mutual.
But now I must get back to the shop and try to get my work at least halfway up to the level of my words!


-----Original Message-----
>From: Ric Brekne <>
>Sent: Jan 9, 2006 12:59 PM
>To: pianotech <>
>Subject: An apology
>Hey there Ed ! :)
>No apology needed as far as I am concerned.  I pretty much knew where 
>you were comming from.  You are one of those valued contributers here 
>that has no problem digging into a discussion and coming out of it 
>smiling at the other guy with friendlyness written all over your words.  
>A couple more comments below.
>/Dear List:
>I see that my most offensive comment was that anyone who tunes A4 to F3 
>does not know how to tune a piano.
>That was not a correct statement.  I see that there are circumstances in 
>which a person using this method may produce a very good tuning for that 
>Well, that comment is what got me into the frey for sure :)... but then 
>hey... we got to throw a whole lot of basic partials thinking around for 
>Marshall (and each other) to think about.  The exercise was a good one 
>in my book.  Hopefully, our Marshall will see that perhaps studying a 
>bit about partials / overtones is not such a difficult matter after 
>all... and perhaps an interesting one at that.
>/My intention was to help a new learner focus on those facts and actions 
>which would most advance and accelerate his long term growth.  If anyone 
>feels personally demeaned by my statement, I think you have probably 
>misunderstood my intent, but I can understand that, and hope you will 
>accept my apology.
>Believe it or not one of my intentions in jumping in with both feet 
>waggling was that same. In anycase... I think you succeeded in your 
>stated goal quite well.  As for demeaned.... I certainly didnt take it 
>that way.  I've read your stuff for a few years now and know your style 
>and your serious committment. You range right up there amoung the best 
>respecteds IMB.  None the least for your ability to dissagree in the 
>productive fashion you've shown here.
>Deep bows along with my usual Cheers !
>Ed Sutton
>"If there is anyone here I have failed to insult tonight, I hope you 
>will accept my sincere apology."
>Johannes Brahms
>pianotech list info:

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