Alan and David on F3/A4
Mon, 9 Jan 2006 11:57:18 EST

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A small correction. Recently I have read:

"Therefore, if you very accurately match the beat rates of F3-Fork and
 F3-A4, you will tune A4 sharp every single time!"

"If f3 a5 method is used with A5 as the coincident partial then A4 will be

Not meaning to embarrass anyone, but just to avoid confusion to those 
learning the trade, this is not correct. A perfectly tuned 440 A4 on the piano 
produces a second partial which is slightly sharp of 880. IF the fork produces 880 
at A5 (which has recently been called into question), we would have to bring A4 
DOWN (under 440) to match its 2nd partial to the fork's 2nd partial.

Bob Davis

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