(no subject)

Will Wickham wwickham@stny.rr.com
Mon, 9 Jan 2006 11:52:45 -0500

Yes it does!

I have seen several 40-60 year old spinets and consoles with this 
problem. I've found that the best way to get glue in the joint is to 
put the piano on the end that is involved - upside down on moving 
blankets when it's the top of the board - so that I get a gravity 
assist with the glue. The spacing of the screw eyes varies depending on 
the layout of the posts and the length of the separation. Once the eyes 
are in and the glue is in place, several thick rubber bands provide 
enough pull to hold the board in place while the glue dries up.

Good luck!
will wickham

On Jan 8, 2006, at 7:35 AM, Steven Sandstrom wrote:
>  I have a customer with a studio piano where the top of the soundboard 
> has come unglued from the back frame.It seems to be only in the middle 
> of the soundboard. You can only get to this area from the back of the 
> piano. Are there any good repairs for this? I have heard of using 
> screweyes in the back and running screws through them into the 
> soundboard to pull the soundboard back in place while the glue dries. 
> I have never done this and just wondered if it works? Any information 
> will be helpful.
>   Thanks, Steve Sandstrom
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