An apology
Mon, 9 Jan 2006 10:32:33 -0500 (GMT-05:00)

Dear List:

I see that my most offensive comment was that anyone who tunes A4 to F3 does not know how to tune a piano.
That was not a correct statement.  I see that there are circumstances in which a person using this method may produce a very good tuning for that circumstance.

Since this list is provided by the Guild, I assume that all folks here intend to become RPTs, so that when we talk about tuning we are referring to the Guild Exam as a minimum standard.  

I had to work very hard to pass that exam.  Becoming an RPT was the most significant confidence building act of my life.  I hope for others to have similar life building experiences, and so I express an understanding of piano technology based on the values implicit in the RPT exams.

My intention was to help a new learner focus on those facts and actions which would most advance and accelerate his long term growth.  If anyone feels personally demeaned by my statement, I think you have probably misunderstood my intent, but I can understand that, and hope you will accept my apology.

Ed Sutton

"If there is anyone here I have failed to insult tonight, I hope you will accept my sincere apology."
Johannes Brahms

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