Susan Kline
Sun, 08 Jan 2006 13:00:26 -0800

>  "How important is
> > 440,00067 hz" <grin>
> >> Does smoke curl out of the piano, or something?

Hi, David

Perhaps we should call this long-observed list-phenomenon
the "Study of Piano Nano-Technology"?

Nice overcast winter day in Oregon, as well. Nattering over
minutiae probably does indicate too much time on my hands,
but it beats getting on with cleaning the fridge.



>I might as well say this today; I've been biting my tongue and thinking
>discretion is the better part of valor....'n stuff....but now I gotta say
>We get so trapped down box canyons on this list, expending massive amounts
>of energy on teeny, teeny minutiae that rarely, if ever, deserve the kind of
>energy and effort they receive.  There are ways we can really help each
>other, and help those new to us, by talking about activities and protocols
>that really ARE crucial to building a successful practice; we do that some
>of the time, but a LOT of bandwidth is expended on what I call "debate club"
>matters----little hair-splitting arguments/dialogues that indicate too much
>time on one's hands---or something. We want to present an expert face and
>presence to this list, and understandably so, but let's do it with humanity,
>humor,common sense and compassion.
>Flame suit on, locked and loaded, watching the NFL playoffs with mah boy.
>Perfect winter day in SoCal....
>David Andersen
>pianotech list info:

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