Sun, 08 Jan 2006 20:58:37 +0000

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Hi Alan,
I use f2 but I've never heard of using b1.  I mentioned f3 earlier because I've heard someone not on this list, say that they used f3.  I use f2 simply because I hear the beats better.  As for the science, I'm not that scientific nor mathmatical.  I get lost when one talks about partials and ratios, I'm not an engineer etc.  I do however know when a note sounds right or off, and I can sense it just doesn't feel right. Something has to change etc when I'm tuning an interval that won't cooporate.  I play drums for our church and the pianest tried to explain beats etc.  I just told him to speak in English.  I wonder if this comes from playing piano by ear for 32 years.

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "Alan Barnard" <> 
Don has it right. For the newer guy that asked and all others who may be in doubt: Do NOT use F3 to compare fork/A4 beat rates. Use ONLY F2 or B1

I am too lazy and busy at the moment to explain the science of WHY but it is in the archives and many other sources.

If one uses F3 and A4 happens to come out exactly right, it is a lucky accident and, in fact, they actually will have tuned the note "wrong" as to matching beat rates, otherwise it would NOT have come out "right" as to pitch!

This is not a theory to be debated, it is an axiom and a scientific certainty. So make it an unbreakable rule: Do NOT USE F3 in tuning A4.

Puff, pant, rave, rant. (Not really, it was just fun making that little rhyme.) <G>

Alan Barnard
Salem, Missouri

> [Original Message]
> From: Don <>
> To: Pianotech <>
> Date: 01/08/2006 11:3! 5:43 AM
> Subject: Re: NO NO NO was Re: electronic pitch source
>> Yes you may have--but only because you failed to make the beat rate between
> f3 and a4 (actually a5) identical. If you had then A4 would have been flat.
> It might still be within the "tolerance" range on the exam however.
> Or else your carefully "calibrated" fork was sharp (cooling as you struck it?)
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