electronic pitch source - Seiko

ed440@mindspring.com ed440@mindspring.com
Sun, 8 Jan 2006 08:18:50 -0500 (GMT-05:00)

You will hear a very, very loud beat at 880hz, and an almost inaudible beat at 440hz.  Impossible to ignore the 880hz beat.  The Seiko gives a harmonic series, so 440hz on the piano will be flat due to inharmonicity of the piano string.

The Seiko is fine for calibrating electronic devices, but not aural 
tuning.  It has an extremely loud second partial and a very soft first 


I'm not quite sure I see the problem with that. If you can test beat 
rates between a reliable pitch source and the note to be tuned with a 
test interval (or two)... you should be able to get near beatless with 
the pitch source. That said... as I also said... seems like the 
Sanderson tool is the thing to get... if a bit more pricey.

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