Pitch Raise

Cy Shuster 741662027@theshusters.org
Sun, 8 Jan 2006 06:57:26 -0500


With TuneLab & RCT, you go A0 to C88.  No mutes at all!  Takes me 20 min. 
You use that sequence because they both calculate "pre-drop" (how strings 
ahead of the note tuned drop in pitch) and "post-drop" (notes behind).  You 
tune to the target pitch you're given.

I use the TuneLab option to measure the pitch of every note as you go (takes 
a second or two).  I start the sequence by measuring (but not tuning) D#1, 
then D1 and so on down to A0.  This gives it a starting point for its 
calculated moving average.

I then tune A0, and go up to the top as fast as I can, trying to limit 
myself to a single turn of the pin (I don't attempt any unison fixes, just 
pull up each wire).  You don't need any mutes at all, and that's the huge 
timesaver.  TuneLab's great for this, because the spectrum display shows the 
peaks of each string clearly.  And it automatically changes notes and 
measures; you don't need to touch the screen at all.

Time after time, that first pass leaves the whole piano within maybe half a 
cent of where I want it.  This single feature is a big moneymaker for me.

You tell it where the wound strings end, so you can let it be more 
aggressive with overpull (don't want to break one or loosen the windings), 
and you can set your own limits for maximum overpull percentage in the bass 
and treble.  TuneLab records the offsets of each measured note, in case you 
want to show the customer or just track it.

More detailed docs (and free trial) are here.  Try the TuneLab Pro docs.


--Cy Shuster--
Boston, MA
North Bennet Street School
Class of '06

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hechler Family" <dahechler@charter.net>
To: "Pianotech" <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: Pitch Raise

> Still confused ..... how and what do you actually do (using ETD) ?
> Mutes - procedure ? Strip - procedure ? Start at the bass and go up ?
> Start in the middle and go down first ? up first ?
> Looking for exact procedures - as if teaching a class.
> Thanks,
> Duaine

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