electronic pitch source

terryb t46xd8jb@xplornet.com
Sat, 07 Jan 2006 18:24:39 -0600

I purchased the Sanderson Accu-fork II several years ago. I was never 
satisfied with it. The closest that I could get the calibration was  -0.43 
cents. I also found that it took over a minute for the pitch to stabilize. 
The fork wasn't cheap. It was $150 US plus shipping. I set it aside and 
never have used it.

When I purchased my Pocket RCT, it came with the Reyburn Cyberfork. Dean 
Had calibrated it to +0.09 cents. It is very accurate. I used the Cyberfork 
for my tuning test. The pitch of my A4 ended up at only +0.2 cents giving 
me 100% on pitch. I had not heard that the Cyberfork had a loud second 
partial until after I had taken the test. I don't think I have ever heard 
it. Dean does not recommend using the fork for the tuning test. IHe used to 
sell the Cyberfork for $30 US. I don't know his current price.

Terry Beckingham RPT

At 02:48 PM 1/7/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>RicB wrote:  Dean Reyburn used to offer
>an electronic pitch source that was quite inexpensive. Seiko I think,
>and they were not exactly on the nose... but within a 0.5 cent window or
>The Seiko is fine for calibrating electronic devices, but not aural 
>tuning.  It has an extremely loud second partial and a very soft first partial.
>The Sanderson tool gives four pitches, so it's not much more expensive 
>than four top quality forks, not to mention the 50cents sliding scale.  I 
>want one, too.
>Ed Sutton
>pianotech list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives

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