Cracking the unisons

Ric Brekne
Sat, 07 Jan 2006 13:32:08 +0100

Hi David
That thought has crossed my mind on more then one occasion as well.  Tho 
Virgil uses this kind of description in relation to his <<beatless 
octaves>>.  Still... the wholistic aspect of the perspective strikes me 
as much the same.


This sure sounds like Virgil Smith's "whole tone" tunings...

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, California

 >Their idea of a clean unison... one I have come more and more to rely on
 >as time has passed since my last stay there..... has to do with how long
 >one can stretch out a kind of conglomerate beat rate of the most audible
 >lowest coincidents.  In almost every case you can keep it from going
 >full circle if you cant get it to level out perfectly.  Sometimes you
 >might have to exept a kind of sideways flutter... but no full circle
 >wave was ever accepted.

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