Cracking the unisons

Ric Brekne
Sat, 07 Jan 2006 01:01:20 +0100

I can see this too, and am more then willing to meet you more then half 
way down that road. That said however... the resulting tuning from the 
scenario below... constrained time and too much noise....  will result 
in an inferior tuning... however acceptable.  Misunderstand me 
correctly.... :)


/I can see the scene where the D on stage is being tuned at the last minute
because it arrived late, and meanwhile the lighting guys are yacking and
dragging cables around, someone is repairing the conductor's stand with an
electric drill, orchestra members are arriving, unpacking their
instruments, and talking and tuning and tweaking their reeds, and the stage
manager is walking through on a cell phone and the C&A guy has a bad cold
with stuffy ears and says to Hell with it as he stealthily slips his
iPod/Tunlab out of his shirt pocket, snickering all the while ... and tunes
the piano.

Alan Barnard
Salem, Missouri/

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